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Forgiveness - Motivational Stories

 I miss and think of my dad every day, that is some thing that won't ever go away. Growing up my dad was always there for us. He was a hard worker and did whatever he could do to support his family financially. As we grew older my mom and dad started to grow apart and separated I was around 18 at the time. I think I was around 21 at the time when my dad had left to Mexico because his mother had passed away. He left and didn't come back until June of this year. 8 whole years had passed not a word from him or not being able to see him. A lot has happen in my life, I got married and had 2 kids. He wasn't there. With all my heart I Forgive him. With his return back I soon found out he had colon cancer and only had 1 month to lived. I didn't want to waste my time on negative feelings. Everyday I spent I told him I loved him and just to be able to hug and kiss him one last time is all that I could ever ask for. I forgive you Dad.
