Satyam Tiwari

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Lekhny composition -27-Apr-2023

Social media influence.

Social media influence is a treding term which describes a person individual ability to influence others people thinking and change their perspective about a product , or view point about a topic on a social media platform. The strong influence a person has the attractive prospect the person becomes to the companies and about the products. 

Companies can use this influence to increase awareness of the brand , products or company itself. Its power can influence product sales and brand value of the company. Company can achieve this by implementing right social media strategy, along with appropriate influencer that can harness the power and increase the influence to the sky. 

Persons influence power can be measured in various ways like social media followers, likes , comments share he get. Overall the soft power along with the follower base of the individual. Ease of connection, individual makes in given time , view, likes comments average. This is a check of influence and trusted connection made with the audience. Now a days many tools come in market that can measure social media influence power called social media analytical tools. 

Social media influence is a skill of influencer.  Though he must have large number of followers , power to evoke reaction, emotions from the people. They then become a hot product that can meet and satisfy company needs. 

There are various types of social media influencer 

Celebrity influencer - They are people with celebrity status that have strong influence over certain age group and demographic area. Company can hire them or partner with them and attain specific target audience for the product.  

Consumer influencer- Everyday people that has gained massive following and has strong influence due to their strong presence, special features that make them stand out on the platform. The strong charisma of them can drastically increase brand awareness.

Microinfluncer-  comman people that have used their deep knowledge in an area of their interest and carved a mark on peoples attention. Thus gaining loyal followers. The soft power of these influencer are used to enhance knowledge about a product and create a value , trust in the audience. Educate about the product. They are also the reviewer as they select  review the product. 


Abhinav ji

28-Apr-2023 09:29 AM

Very nice 👍
