19-Aug-2022 لیکھنی کی کہانی -
A word that is dearer to every living being than his own life. Every human being has his own self-esteem. Which is earned by his own hands. A person who has self-respect never bows down to anyone except Allah. Deals made by selling one's self-respect bring nothing but humiliation. One should not lower self-respect for anyone except one's blood relations. Because this is the only thing that holds friendship and relationship together. Without respect, how can a human bear his insult if he does not eat the food given even to a bird?
At the time of the battle of Karbala, Imam Hussain gave another exhortation with the message of truth. "Better a death of honor than a life of disgrace". This message is a great advice in itself. Therefore, it is the duty of a person to do his work with full respect and return home with dignity. This is what we should pray for in our hereafter, that we may be buried with dignity. But sometimes we take it in a negative way. Even if someone says something good, we feel that it is a question of our honor and we start arguing. We even can't stand our parents because we think they should respect us. We cannot bow down to them. But this is not the honor.
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) said, "If you have to bow to your relatives to save a relationship and you feel that your honor has decreased, then take it from me on the Day of Judgment." Rather, this good effort to save the relationship is written forever. But this is only for themselves. We cannot trade our dignity for every other person.
Where a person is not respected, he should stay away from this place and among these people. Respect is only a name to take, not a name to give. Respect is a matter of giving a hand. Those who have a big heart learn to respect first. The first principle of this system of nature is to give. Then whether it is respect or something else. We will get what we give. A person can give respect to someone only when he himself is respectful and understands his importance. So try to understand the principles of nature.
"May Allah grant us all honor in this world and the hereafter." Amen
Written by: Sultan Muhammad Zain al-Abidin
आँचल सोनी 'हिया'
19-Aug-2022 01:58 PM