Aniya Rahman

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I was born with a disease that leaves most kids unable to walk, unable to stand. I am very lucky. I was able to walk and to run, almost like any other child, almost.

Growing up my biggest fear is to wake up one morning unable to walk. Wake up and find out I’m paralyzed waist down. At some point I was terrified.

Mentally it was the worst for me. Everytime we went to the doctor – which was so often I felt like I saw doctors more often then my family, I would see children that could’ve been me. It could’ve been me in the wheel chair. I wouldn’t let my mother know. She still doesn’t know my biggest fear as she is a single mom and I don’t want to bother her. I’m amazed by the strength she put into me. You won’t even be able to understand the amount of energy all these medical procedures require. The doctors said I wouldn’t grow in size unless we did an operation on my back and it was a success. I’m trying to see it now as a blessing.

Yes, I can’t do many things that normal teens can do, but I am so lucky. I have a gift , against all the odds, I can walk. I can run through the fields , I can swim and jump and even almost skip. Please be grateful that you are able to do such things. Because many kids don’t have the chance. Please.
